Friday, October 28, 2011

Dear pupils,

Do spend your time wisely this weekend to revise all your work.
Go through your Problem Sums, OnSponge and Practice Papers.

5L - Reminder
1) Passport size photos - Geraldo, Uvaraja, Joan, Edwina and Ning Hui
2) Musical Form - Lionel
3) Bring your Practice Paper Set E2 - Will go through Paper 1 questions.

Math Question
A fruit shop had some apples and oranges. 20% of the apples and 60% of the oranges were sold in the morning. The ratio of apples to oranges became 1:2. Given that there were 30 more oranges than apples at first,
a) find the number of apples in the bag at first.
b) If 25% of the remaining apples and 50% of the remaining oranges were sold in the evening, how many apples and oranges were left altogether?


  1. Today's math question's answer Is probably
    a)1500 apples
    b)2100 apples and oranges left altogether
    Is the answer correct? :)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. it's been a long time since I use Who has been using it

  4. a)10 apples
    b)14 apple and orange
