Friday, September 30, 2011

Term 4 Week 3 (Friday)

1) Math AB Review 5
2) Math Practice Paper (Set 1 - Paper 2) 1h 40min
3) Filing and Revision
4) English - 2nd Draft for Compo
5) Vocab Ex 61-70 (Due on Tuesday)
6) Revise for Paper 1 (Mock test on Monday)

1) Math AB Review 5
2) Math Practice Paper (Set 1 - Paper 2) Ih 40 min
3) Science WS
4) Science AB 6.1 and 6.2. (Corrections)
5) Bring newspaper
6) Filing for Math

ICAS Mathematics Primary 5 Results
1) Raelene
2) Gerald
3) Hui Ling
4) Jacelyn
5) Daniel
6) Ryan
7) Sean
8) Harin
9) Zane
10) Yoon-O

Congratulations!!! :)


  1. how come we have many chapters in onsponge not finished yet?

  2. Mr Soh,
    it is not 6.1 and 6.2 corrections it is 6.3 corrections and 6.1 and 6.2 need to complete them as homework

  3. Huh, Mr Soh
    I think you missed out the science paper for 5L.
